Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Killing Review

A few weeks ago the third season of the crime drama "The Killing" premiered on "AMC". I want to give my thoughts on the season so far, but first I want to talk about my experience with the first two seasons of the show. Let's begin. 

 In the beginning of 2011 I was intrigued by the advertisements for a new show called "The Killing". I've always been interested in crime dramas and I couldn't pass this one up. I remember watching the first few episode, then dropping shortly after. I enjoyed the high concept and David Fincher-esque execution, but I had other things going on in my life at the time couldn't find time to sit down and watch it. A year later, right before season two was about to premiere, I saw my chance to get back into it. Luckily for me, the entire first season was on "Netflix" by that point.

I streamed the entire first season over the course of a week. it had become almost like an addiction, trying to figure out who killed "Rosie Larsen". As I got more into the meat of the show I realized that the mystery wasn't the only enjoyable part. The well rounded characters in this show are so much fun to watch. Just seeing their interactions with one another could the show, even without the use of the murder mystery. This statement was tested during an episode which only contained those character interactions of which I speak.

Season 2 proved to be just as good. Both with the mystery and the character development. I was glued to my tv every Sunday night, waiting for the curtain to be pulled and the answers to be revealed. Little did I know, the answers that I got weren't going to be the ones that I wanted. When it came time for the final episode of the second season, I had high expectations. Anticipation was very high and I just couldn't wait for the conclusion. When it finally happened, my jaw literally dropped. I couldn't believe that anything could honestly be as bad as this episode. I had lost faith in the show and didn't think I would be watching it again. 

A year later, ads for the third season began to run on tv. As the weeks went by I saw myself actually start to get excited about this. I'm not sure exactly why. It might have been because I had no other shows to follow or the hopes that this season could tie things up a bit better. 

      Just A few weeks ago, I got my answer. The new season had shown it's mug and it wasn't so ugly. I instantly found myself to be invested back into the characters and into the story. This might have been due to the slate more or less being wiped clean. The old case isn't discussed. Instead, a case from Sarah Lindon's past has come back to haunt her. 

Enough has changed, yet enough has stayed the same. We follow the detectives around, as well as a group of homeless teens, and a pair of men on death row. I've found myself caring about all of these characters, even though my time has to be swiftly divided between all of them. I have to hand it to the writers, they've done a great job in getting back into the show. It feels good to see a show that is this fresh on tv. I would recommend it to everyone, even the episode I did not care for. The first two seasons of "The Killing" are available on "Netflix" and new episodes air every Sunday night on "AMC".

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