I just want to apologize to anyone that enjoys reading my blog. I recently got a job and haven't had the time to write much lately. I can't guarantee that I can keep up the same pace and schedule as I did before, but I will try to post as many of these as I can. Let's get started.
Like I said in the opening paragraph, I've been working a lot lately. This has changed my eating schedule and sometime even what I watch. I work a lot of late nights and that causes me to watch what's on. This got me thinking; does working effect what you watch on tv?
When you get home at midnight most nights, it limits your choices on tv. Most nights I honestly just watch baseball highlights. It's colorful, fast paced, and allows to turn my brain off. After a few nights of doing this it made me wonder if other people do this. Are high ratings for shows that I don't like due to people just turning off their brains? Sometimes when I get home I don't always feel like following a story. I just want to be entertained. Have the networks known this the whole time?
Being tired could explain the lack of story telling by the networks. They could be catering to the very tired working Joes at the end of the day. But what about others shows, such as "Mad Men" or "Game Of Thrones"? They tell stories every week and have a large following. Who do they cater to? Actually, they cater to the same type of people. I don't always feel like turning my brain off. There are days when I want to escape into a great story to escape the stresses of work and life.
When I want to get into a story I've been watching "The Killing" on Sunday nights. Which I will give my review on as soon as I can. That shows that there is a place for story on tv. And I'm not always working, so I want to enjoy a well told story on my days off. What I'm saying is that I can understand turn off your brain entertainment a little better now, but still appreciate a good story now and again. I also fully believe that working for a living can effect what you watch. Just make sure not to work too much every body.
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